Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Free Happy Healthy Party

I came home from a long hard day at work to find a big box of awesomeness awaiting me! It was the Seventh Generation Party box that contained all kinds of free goodies and things for a fun and healthy party which I had received for free. Happy to find great product samples, wildflower seeds and a few large full size items for prizes, like diapers and baby wipes! There were fun activities and discussions to be had with all the information that was provided on how companies do not need to disclose all the ingredients they use. I, as well as most of my party goers were happy for the chance to try more products and receive money saving coupons for the great products that Seventh Generation has. Products that we know the ingredients for!

It is a great thing that Seventh Generation gave these party packs out for free to spread their word and also to let more people try and see how great their products are. Not to mention, turn many nonbelievers into believers in using all natural, healthy products rather than chemical filled ones!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Companies NOT Required to List All Ingredients!

Thanks to Seventh Generation I get to host a party for free on being healthy, eco-friendly and creating the best environment for our family. The kit they are sending me is said to include a range of discussion topics, including information on improving indoor air quality, managing pests in the garden, and what produce is best to buy organic, and much more.  
The biggest thing though that I have been learning is that cleaning product companies are NOT required to list all ingredients on the package because there are currently no regulations.  We, then do not know what all we releasing into our family environment. Many of the ingredients may not be healthy for us to be around as often as we should be cleaning!
We need to let the companies know we want them to #comeclean about the ingredients in their products! If we are lucky, we even encourage them to use better, safer and healthier products for our families!

Maya Rudulph's great video!

I have been part of the Seventh Generation community and love the information I get here for not only eco-friendly products but products that are safer to use. I recommend watching this video with Maya Rudulph for great information as well as humor on safer feminine products for us to use! Also visit www.seventhgeneration.com/comeclean for more information and tips!