Thursday, September 5, 2019

Generation Good

I have been part of Generation Good for awhile now and have nothing but great things to say about the community. They not provide great resources and suggestions to help with sustainable lifestyles but also for those of us who want to do our part to bettering the world through sustainable practices. The information is great, they allow you to participate and support good causes and enable you to try new products by Seventh Generation as well which is great! Join me and the rest of the community here:

#ad #freesample

Sunday, July 14, 2019

I received a Seventh  Generation's new Sparkling Seaside Scent Glass Cleaner free to try and review.  Opinions are 100% my own. I've been looking to go all natural for as much household products as I can, for the safety of my family. I was happy to be able to try this to find out how well it works. I was happily surprised to find it worked quite well and made me feel safe to use, especially with my daughter and pets. I found it to work just as well as other major brands and though it did sometimes leave streaks it didn't bother me, as I've had the same issue with other cleaners depending on type of glass and rags that I use with it. #freesample #ad